Immersive Tech for Everyone: The Keys to Scaling Up XR for Healthcare

Immersive Tech for Everyone:
The Keys to Scaling Up XR for Healthcare

Results from the IVRHA 2024 Annual Conference Workshop
March 3, 2024, Tampa Bay, Florida

Premise: Spreading the benefits of immersive technology in healthcare to larger populations of clinicians, patients and learners will require organizations to scale up implementation, going beyond the first dozens or hundreds of users to thousands, and beyond. There are numerous challenges in implementing immersive technology in a system as consequential and complex as healthcare: From managing the unique qualities of software and hardware required, to adapting to existing workflows and processes, to ensuring health data privacy and integrity. Yet the benefits are now seen as so compelling, there is a growing community of practitioners in major organizations who are taking on these obstacles.

On March 3, 2024, IVRHA and IterationZero convened a workshop of invited key participants from across the community to focus on how the industry can enable far greater access to the benefits of immersive technology. The facilitated discussion highlighted where the industry is today, what the top impediments are that the industry needs to solve, and what keys to success current leaders have identified.

Invited participants were selected due to the scale of their immersive implementations. From several hundred to several thousand, to tens of thousands of users, and their commitment to offer immersive technology for healthcare to their entire programs, institutions or organizations. The resulting nineteen participants included healthcare providers, educators, entrepreneurs, as well expertise in healthcare insurance, enterprise IT, and immersive technology standards.

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