Sponsorship of this contest was made possible through a grant from the
Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation.

Submission Guidelines:

Applicants will be awarded for envisioning a transformative approach for a vastly safer healthcare system, sending legacy systems out the door. The applicant should focus on reinventing who delivers what care, where, when, and how, incorporating modern technology, new professional roles, new education methods, and new construction to achieve safe, optimal care. The individual or team should keep the major sources of harm at the forefront of the approach.


PDF submissions only. The submission should be in the form of a written essay/explanation of your vision/idea. The submission needs to be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 2000 words. Your submission may include visuals (diagrams, pictures, flow charts, etc.) as part of the PDF submission. Please include your name and email at the top of the PDF document.

Please refer to the official contest rules for further information.
Please direct any questions or concerns about the contest here.



Patient Safety Technology Challenge
Name (individual or team lead)
Name (individual or team lead)
(i.e. CEO, founder, nurse, student, physician, etc.)
(i.e. Company ABC, University XYZ, Hospital TBD, etc.)
Please add the names of any other team members as part of your entry submission.
Please note: U.S. citizens only permitted to submit.
Please note: U.S. citizens only permitted to submit.
Please include area code. (i.e. 202-555-1212)

Maximum file size: 5MB

Please submit your entry here by uploading as a PDF file only. Submissions must be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 2000 words. Please be sure to add your contact name and email address at the top of the entry.


Judges for the contest include: