Fisher Wallace Labs is on a mission to vastly increase access to mental healthcare. We develop and commercialize wearable brain stimulation technology for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and other neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders. Our technology was recently proven to be rapidly effective in two large clinical trials for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the Read more...
A virtual reality platform designed to teach social, communication, emotional regulation, behavioral, and life skills. Leveraging the power of Virtual Reality to develop a supplementary method of teaching social and communication skills for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our library of lessons is fun and engaging for the learner, while also providing a supervising adult the opportunity to monitor Read more...
The inventor, pioneer, and world leader of video gesture-controlled displays that are revolutionizing rehabilitation, assistive technologies, and health facilities. Patients have fun in a hygienic environment with the company’s touch-free, gesture-controlled solutions for virtual reality therapy, multisensory stimulation and immersive play. These highly engaging experiences result in marked improvements of physical and cognitive conditions— regardless of age, ability, or stage Read more...
GIGXR was formed in 2019 by an expert team of educators, nursing specialists, 3D designers, technologists, and futurists to address the shortcomings of traditional 2D curricula with cutting-edge immersive teaching and training solutions. Our mixed reality platform and applications, which blend physical and digital elements to enable ultra-realistic and collaborative 3D learning environments built for hybrid and remote classes. We’ve Read more...
At Harmony, we bring visions to life using augmented and virtual reality. We build bespoke apps and experiences that connect brands and teams in interactive and engaging ways and help drive innovation within every industry we work in. We believe in doing one thing and doing it exceptionally well. This is why we develop solely for digital realities and nothing Read more...
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